Polar Purpose plunge
18 January 2025
FREE admission, scroll down for more details, T-shirt order below and register here!
Watch 2023 Polar PURPOSE Plunge!
Watch 2024 Polar PURPOSE Plunge!
Come join us for
Plunge for PURPOSE, and Rise Resilient! JUMP into the Swell Retreat's lake, Little Lake Elevate and COMMIT to your 2025 goal!
If you can make the jump, and YOU CAN
you can do anything you set your mind to!!!
We believe in YOU!!!
-Time: 1 PM - 4 PM
-Hay Rides
-Plunge starts: 1:30 PM
-Fire pits around the lake
-Community and connection
-Win prizes (see below options and raffle prizes)
-Memories and Resilience
WIN an private evening retreat at Swell Retreat:
-Enter Contest: create a project that depicts you doing your goal for the year or the purpose for your life (video, photo, drawing, sculpture, 5 paragraph essay, other category; all ages encouraged to participate)
-Nominate a person or business that excels in accomplishing their goals
-Nominate a person or business with rising potential as you see them consistently striving to accomplish their goal
You've been challenged!!!
Start and finish your 2025 goal through an outward personal challenge and a community supported action, the Polar PURPOSE Plunge!
Your "plunge" is a challenge that will help you mentally and physically help you overcome yourself and help you realize if you can do that, you can do anything in 2025!
A couple road blocks that stop us from completing our goals....no support, not specific, doubts, not committed, make excuses, feelings of defeat when everything doesn't go right, lost motivation, fear of success, inactivity, and too many goals.
Accomplishing this challenge will lead to overcoming the above road blocks with three key ingredients that help you complete your goal:
1. START YOUR OUTWARD COMMITMENT TO YOUR GOAL...your social media posts about your courage will have your family and friends rallying around you to cheer you on as you continue to pursue your stated goal! Swell Retreat will do weekly posts to support you and then celebrate you on our soical media outlets and website once you've accomplished your goal!
2. START YOUR GOAL JOURNEY...THE PLUNGE IS YOUR FIRST STEP AND LEADS TO BEING: committed, focused, motivated, confident, taking action with others (camaraderie), community, courage, one goal, supported, advocating for a great cause (see below on advocating for a special group).
Make your goal happen in 2025 with the Swell Retreat community to cheerlead you on and celebrate your accomplishment!!
Participants can sign up to jump into Little Lake Elevate or cheer their family and friends on.
Your commitment and action to jump in the ice cold water represents going all in this year on one goal.
We are wanting people to align or re-align with a purpose....inspire or re-inspire hope in your life, get off the couch, off the phone, slow down on social media and help people get active in their lives, involved in a community that supports you and work on one goal towards your life purpose.
Your goal will be listed on our website with your name and we will rally support each week on our Facebook and Instagram pages over the year, cheerleading you on.
We can't wait to hear when you've accomplished your goal so we can celebrate with you!!!
"I'm so excited to jump into the water!!! I know when I do this, the Polar PURPOSE Plunge challenge, I am telling and showing my mind and body I can do anything!
When hard times or road blocks come along my journey to accomplishing my goal I will reflect on how I overcame my self and jumped in our Swell Retreat's Polar Purpose Plunge.
Without doubt this will increase my confidence in my self, increase my energy and momentum to keep going, and remind me of my commitment to finish what I started!!!" -Lacy J. Hardman, Owner, Swell Retreat, 21 Jan 2023.
Suicide Prevention Advocacy
Committed - Connected - Community - Compassion
Suicide is the #1 cause of Utah deaths in 10-24 year olds
Let's rally together around purposeful prevention!!
​Lacy served in the US Army for 14 years and had experience after experience that physically, emotionally and mentally tested her in boot camp, training, and real world missions state side and throughout 3 deployments.
She knows when she overcame her mental, emotional and physical fears in basic training it set a foundation of trust in herself that has allowed her to achieve many goals throughout her life.
She believes that you to can overcome anything holding you back from your goal and dreams!
Join a community of starters and finishers!
Sign up today to commit to one goal and jump in!
In addition to your goal let's advocate for suicide awareness and prevention!!!
Let's help each other find our purpose in achieving our goals and help reduce suicide.
Utah Suicide Statistics: Download Utah Report
"Plunge for PURPOSE and Rise RESILIENT"
-Suicide is the 1st leading cause of death: ages 10-24
-Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in ages 25-34
-Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in ages 35-44
-Suicide is the 4th leading cause of death for ages 45-54
-Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death for ages 55-64
-Suicide is the 18th leading cause of death for ages 65+
-Emery County is #2 highest rate of suicide per capita 2023
-25.5% of adults ages 18-24 reported having seriously considered suicide with in the past month (CDC, 2020). This percentage is higher than any other adult age group.
-18.8% of high school students reported a serious suicide consideration in the past year. The percentage is higher among females, lesbian, gay or bisexual teens (CDC, 2020)
-8.9Z% of high school students attempted suicide in the past year (CDC, 2020). That is almost 9 out 100 students.
Having a purpose helps when life gets hard.
Most suicide survivors reported that they didn't want to die, but really wanted to be free from their pain.
Life is challenging and sometimes those challenges can overpower you and others.
Studies suggest that having a purpose helps you push through the hard and painful times (see swell retreat dot com for study link).
Find your purpose, commit, connect and rally strength through community and compassion. Lacy's 4 Cs to Suicide Prevention. Life isn't designed to live in isolation.
Lacy J. Hardman
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is this event for me? I'm not suicidal? YES! Become more resilient for the future as this world becomes harder to navigate. Help bring community as each of us can potentially be at risk of suicide if something very hard in life happens. Commit to accomplishing your goal in 2025!
2. I know someone who committed suicide. Can I jump in memory of them and on behalf of anyone who is struggling? YES!!
3. I'm not going to jump in the water, can I still come? YES!! Come rally support :)